Friday, December 9, 2011

Merry Little Snowmen

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Went down to my grandparent in- laws the other day and they had out all of their Christmas stuff. One thing I quickly noticed were these 4x4 snowmen they had sitting out. They were something that my husband had made when he was little. instantly a light bulb went off and I though  knew I had to make these with little G. so, I have been working on painting them the last few days, coat after coat until they were perfectly white with no lines or drip marks.. ( I kind of have OCD sometimes)

Finally today they were ready to be decorated. And after much thought I figured out how I wanted to make them look. So little G and I went to Walmart and got some black and orange buttons, some some Christmas socks, and some gray fleece fabric. I got out the glue gun, wiggly eyes and pipe cleaners and let him do most of the work. I think they turned out soooooo adorable! So happy we did them, they make our house feel more like Christmas and who doesn't love having a keep sake that their child made :))

Did I mention that he LOVES them and will not leave them alone. : )


  1. These are adorable! I want to make them too!

  2. Very cute! We have one just like it, my sister made it for us years ago. Instead of using a sock for the hat she used sweater sleeves her daughter had outgrown. I love that you have a whole little family!

  3. HOW stinkin adorable!! Such a great idea!

    Thanks for linking up to the Mingle With Us Blog Hop this week. I am following you back and am pretty excited about it because I am a HUGE Kids craft fanatic and can't wait to read about more of your ideas. :)

  4. PS- You asked if I could send you the code to our blog hop button and I went ahead and emailed it to you since it wouldn't let me post it in the comment.

  5. It’s wonderful to see the joy these snowmen bring your family.
