This past year has seemed to go by extra fast. I can't believe that you're three years old. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital and "ooooing" and "ahhhhing" over you as you showed us your first smile...said your first word...took your first steps. I feel like you went from a toddler to a little boy in just the blink of an eye. It's been so much fun to watch you grow and learn to do new things.
I was a neurotic first-time worried about giving you love and attention around the clock and instilling good eating habits for later on in life. We sang songs, danced around the house, read books, played peek-a-boo. Those were the days that you relied on me for everything...
Now you're three years-old and have become quite the independent little boy. You look in the refrigerator to grab your own food when you're hungry (even if mom doesn't approve of your first choice), you insist on climbing the in the car all by yourself and shutting all the doors, you enjoy playing make believe on your own with your cars, trains, and toy phones.
Just this morning, as I was watching you dance around the living room singing Curious George in your inside-out underwear, I realized how big you have gotten. You have such a kind heart. Not a day goes by that you don't say, "I love you mommy," You love making me feel special and you melt my heart when you say, "I like your hair, mommy," or "You look pretty, mama." I love how you still say, "mama, hold me," when you want me to pick you up.
You're really into watching Curious George right now. We have to watch George every morning before breakfast and you'll ask me periodically throughout the show, "What's George doin' now?" You remind me a lot of Curious George...very intelligent, always asking questions, always up to something, always able to figure things out on your own, friendly, serious at times. And you're a good little climber like George! you'll be up on the kitchen counter washing off an apple or getting a snack from the snack basket. You'll even climb up on top of your dresser to get your iPod if its not playing the right music! While you're watching t.v. in the living room you'll throw all the pillows off both of the couches and jump back and forth from one to the other...just like a little monkey! Speaking of being a good climber, you're also very athletic.
You love counting, even though you sometimes miss a number, "1, 2, 3, 5, 6..." You love drawing, especially in the bath tub or outside with sidewalk chalk paint, singing songs, dancing, and going on "hikes."
I'm so proud of the person you're becoming. You have a serious, busy, get-the-job-done side to you like me and a care-free, silly side to you like you're daddy...and I think that's a great mix!
Things you love...
-Curious George
-cars and motorcycles
-your rain boots
-splashing in puddles
-wrestling with daddy
-sausage & pancakes
-orange juice
-taking baths
-Dora & Diego
-going to the zoo
-playing in the sand box
-Monster trucks
-Peanut butter and jelly
-guitars & drums
-Greek yogurt
-going out to the lake on the boat
-riding your Power wheels
-helping Papa "work"
-building things
-sweeping, wiping,vacuuming & laundry
-Dr. Seuss books
-strawberry ice cream cones
-dressing yourself
-coloring and doing crafts
-mommies homemade smoothies
-cooking with mommy
-playing store
Things you don't like...
-washing your hair
-when mommy helps you brush your teeth
-taking any medicine
-going to bed
-leaving Grandmas house
-being in a shopping cart
-the dentist
Still in mommy's belly |
First Born |
Three Months |
Best Buds |
One Year |
Two Years |
Words that describe Little G - Age 3
Mommy and Daddy love you sweet man, Happy Third Birthday!